About Us

Throws Pro has created a one stop shop for coaches and athletes.

Certified Gill Dealer with partnerships with many of the top brands including: Dominator, Fibersport, Nemeth, Nishi, Nordic, Polanik, Thrower X, Walshot and many others.

Throws Pro has provided equipment to just about every major college program out there and hundreds of high schools.

Many professional athletes rely on Throws Pro, in fact, 19 Olympians from 12 different countries purchased equipment for the Paris Olympics.

We are experienced track and field experts, ready to help you. Throws Pro was founded by Scott Cappos, a former professional track and field athlete and long time coach. Cappos coached for 25 years in the Big Ten Conference (Iowa and Nebraska) and currently works with several athletes as a private coach.

Coach Scott Cappos with Champion Throwers

Throws Pro is a proud partner of the Throw Big Throw Far podcast, hosted by Joe Frontier. Cappos and Frontier have partnered on many projects including Thrower X, a coaching education platform for the shot put, discus, javelin and hammer throw.

Let Throws Pro be your go to company!

Contact Us:

Owner: Scott Cappos

  • scott@throwspro.com
  • (402) 318-1070 

Sales Director: Nash Oven

  • nashoven@gmail.com
  • (508) 820-6353