Javelin Nordic Comet 600 gram
Nordic Comet is the perfect javelin for training and competition for throwers that only throw a few months every year or are just learning the event.
The Nordic Comet javelin is made of aluminum and has a high flex rating that is approximately equal to approximately 45 meter distance rating; it is the least stiff javelin from the legendary company Nordic. A softer javelin flexes/vibrates more than stiffer javelins which reduces the likelihood of injury.
Flex Ratings (the higher the flex rating the softer than javelin)
600 gram = Flex 12.1
About Us
Throws Pro was developed by Scott Cappos. Cappos coached in the Big Ten Conference for 25 years before starting Throws Pro.
Our goal is be your one stop shop for throwing equipment that provides outstanding customer service. Whether you need advice on what equipment to purchase or need help to throw far, Throws Pro will be here for you.